During the past month I have been on the road, attending the MODEX Show in Atlanta, Georgia in mid-April. It was my first time attending this event, and my intention was to evaluate whether this would be a good show for Amerityre to attend in future years. I was impressed by the magnitude of the show as well as the impressive products being demonstrated, particularly in the areas of warehouse management and maintenance.

During my visit I came across two different vendors who had cutting edge products that could have been better with an Amerityre product. The first was a floor cleaning machine that was capable of operating independent of any human intervention. The machine was operating in a small area to demonstrate its capabilities. However, the irony was that the tires of this cleaning machine were marking the floor with dark streaks. Similarly, a second vendor nearby had an automated robot that was capable of retrieving material from warehouse racking areas and bringing it to a designated area. There was a video demonstrating the operation of the equipment and the one thing that stood out was the track the tires made on the warehouse floor. In both cases the technological advantages of these machines was overshadowed by an easily solved problem. Amerityre flat free tires are non-marking and would be a perfect solution to this problem. A short discussion with the representatives in each booth revealed that sourcing a non-marking tire was on their “to do” list once they returned home.

Many people assume that Amerityre tires are like rubber tires and will mark their floors. Because all Amerityre products are high performance and capable of carrying heavy loads, it is easy to forget that our tires have a “sensitive” side. Amerityre’s proprietary, closed cell formulation creates tires that will never mark your floors, regardless if you choose black or gray. This makes our tires ideal for warehouses, office areas, medical facilities and other locations where non-marking tires are a requirement.

I was a bit disappointed with several of the discussions I had with equipment vendors who were utilizing obviously inferior tires constructed of hard plastic or poor quality polyurethane. The common reason given was that they felt they could save a few dollars buying a cheaper tire. Given the cost of some of these machines and the critical part the tires play in the overall performance of the machine, I would argue that they cannot afford NOT to buy the best tire available. In the case of an automated material retrieval machine, how effective will the unit perform if it has a flat tire and nobody is around to notice? As businesses look for ways to reduce manpower, it is more important that the machines they are using are highly reliable and require minimum maintenance. Amerityre flat free tires require no air pressure checks or other maintenance, and will provide years of superior and reliable performance. On many machines and tools with wheels, the tires are the most critical item that determines the overall effectiveness of your product. Don’t your customers deserve the best tire on the market? Give us a call today or visit our website and see how Amerityre can improve the performance, reliability and reputation of your products.